We’ve read a great article on the NSI (National Security Inspectorate) website, offering top-tips on some very useful ways to protect your property.
There are many things you can do to safeguard your home and whilst some of them sound very obvious, they can be overlooked. For example, if you go out – even for a short period of time – you should always close and lock your doors and windows. Or are you one of those people who labels their house keys? If you are – don’t! If you lose them they could fall into the wrong hands and with your address on them, they’ll act as invitation to an intruder!
Some security tips are less obvious but are well worth remembering. A good example is to keep all valuables out of sight when you go out. As simple as this seems, many burglaries happen because an intruder has just happened to see an ipad or laptop lying on a sofa… Marking or etching your property with your postcode and/or house name or flat number is a great idea, whilst cancelling milk deliveries whilst you’re on holiday can help to reduce the risk of a burglary.
Finally, don’t forget to set your alarm when you go out as this could be an insurance requirement – you’ll need to read the small print to check this.
If you’d like more information on home security systems, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us and to read the NSI article, please visit their website.