At this time of year homes are at their most susceptible to burglary: during the build-up to Christmas intruders are all too aware that many of us stock up on electrical items such as iPads, laptops or cameras to give as gifts to loved-ones, leaving many homes at increased risk of being broken into.
With this in mind it can be sensible to review the security of your home and aside from installing a new or more advanced burglar alarm system; there are lots of things you can do to help protect your home from intruders.
Many burglaries are carried out opportunistically but in some cases, burglars will check out a property in advance so it’s wise to make that your home always looks occupied and to make sure that the entrances to your home are visible at all times. Simple steps to take include using timer switches to turn lamps on and off automatically and dawn to dusk exterior lighting installed over your front and back door. Don’t leave your curtains closed all the time when you’re away and if you can, ask a friend or neighbour to move the post from your front doormat.
A visible burglar alarm can prove a very effective deterrent so it’s important to ensure that the bell box of your alarm system is visible from the road. If you don’t have an alarm it is possible to buy fake burglar alarm bell boxes and these are a good alternative if you can’t afford a full system.
Don’t overlook the security of your shed or garage as they can be particularly susceptible to theft at this time of year: simple alarm systems can be purchased to protect out-buildings and a decent bolt and padlock is usually sufficient to put off most opportunist thieves.
Here at Dalec we’re specialists in all aspects of home security and our services are available to homeowners in Leeds. If you would like further advice or information on protecting your home, please don’t hesitate to get in touch today.