The government has recently confirmed plans for five year electrical safety checks to be mandatory in private rental properties. Although the move requires legislation, it will mean that landlords will be required by law to have electrical safety checks carried out by a qualified electrician. This new rule follows those which already cover rental properties in Scotland.
The first properties to be checked will be new tenancies with existing rental properties to follow. However, as yet a date hasn’t been set as Parliament needs time to pass the legislation required.
The aim of this new legislation is to improve the safety of rental properties by ensuring the electrics are checked properly and on a regular basis. It is also hoped that the legislation will provide clearer guidance to landlords on who they should use to carry out electrical safety checks.
Electrical safety services for landlords in Leeds
Although these new regulations aren’t yet required by law, if you are a landlord it is important that you are fully aware of your obligations to ensure the safety of your tenants. Here at Dalec we offer a range of electrical services specially designed to meet the requirements of landlords in Leeds, covering everything from electrical safety checks and installations, through to fire alarm systems and the installation of appliances.
We are a team of fully qualified and highly experienced electricians with many years of experience in working with landlords, businesses and residential customers in Leeds, Keighley and throughout West Yorkshire.
If you are a landlord in Leeds, please get in touch to find out how we can help you ensure the safety of your tenants. Contacting us is easy: simply call 01535 606 006 or email