Professional electrical installations in Leeds
Whether you’re something of a Gordon Ramsay in the kitchen or just tend to use the microwave to heat ready meals, it’s very important to be aware of electrical safety. The kitchen tends to the busiest room in the house and the place where more than half of accidental house fires start.
The main culprit for the highest proportion of accidental electrical fires in the home is the misuse of electrical cooking appliances. Regardless of whether it’s an electric hob, microwave or smoothie maker, using electrical appliances can prove to be dangerous unless you’re aware of electrical safety in the kitchen.
Here’s our advice on how to stay safe in the kitchen:
- Don’t be tempted to overload electrical sockets and try to keep your kitchen as tidy and clutter-free as possible: remember that tangled electrical cords can lead to overheating.
- Make sure you clean the inside of your oven and microwave to ensure that the interiors are free from any build-up of grease or burnt on food.
- Freezers should be de-frosted at least once a year to make sure they are in good working order.
- Ensuring your house is fitted with an RCD – residual current device – as this will minimise the risk of electrical fires and help protect against electric shocks.
- Fit a smoke alarm in your kitchen – don’t forget to check the batteries and replace them as soon as they are flat.
- Don’t leave appliances switched on and unattended: this is especially important with washing machines and tumble dryers.
- Make sure all appliances are adequately vented: for example, don’t be tempted to use the top of your microwave as a storage area.
- Last and by no means least, rather than trying to carry out electrical installations or repairs yourself, always use the services of a fully qualified, registered electrician.
Contact Dalec – registered electricians in Leeds
Here at Dalec we are a team of fully qualified, registered electricians with many years of experience of working with residential customers in Leeds. To find out more about our electrical installations service, please get in touch to arrange for a free, no-obligation quotation by calling 01535 606 006 or email