Entries by admin


Is your kitchen safe?

Although the kitchen is said to be the heart of the home, unfortunately many homeowners fail to realise just what a dangerous place a kitchen can be!  Faulty wiring and poorly installed appliances are the cause of around 50% of house fires every year and with this in mind, the importance of electrical safety in […]


The importance of electrical safety in rental properties

More and more of us are renting rather than buying property and whilst living somewhere as a tenant can make life easier when it comes to household repairs and improvements, the importance of electrical safety is still incredibly important. Whether you are tenant or a landlord, the importance of electrical safety is something that cannot […]


Stay safe and don’t buy a fake

There’s nothing like a bargain and most of us like to save money whenever we can. However, when it comes to buying electrical goods, it’s important to put safety before any savings you might make by buying cheap counterfeit goods. Electrical goods which are available at heavily discounted prices should always be treated with caution; […]



Although CCTV cameras have long been a feature of shopping centres, car parks and other public places, they’re still considered to be a costly option that’s beyond the budget of most homeowners.  However, the cost of installing a CCTV system is falling and the number of systems we’re installing is on the rise. CCTV cameras […]


Security for business owners in Leeds

Following on from last week’s post on the importance of protecting your home whilst you’re away, we thought we’d take the opportunity to remind business owners of just how vital an up-to-date, reliable security system can be. Providing adequate security protection for a business or commercial premises poses a very different set of problems compared […]


Is your home adequately protected when you’re away?

If you’re planning your summer holiday the chances are that home security is one of the last things on your mind.  However the number of burglaries rises year on year and with this in mind, ensuring your home is protected whilst you’re away is becoming increasingly important. Here at Dalec we’re specialists in all aspects […]


Electricity and DIY don’t mix

The long Easter weekend offers a great opportunity to do a little DIY and if you’re anything like the team here at Dalec, the chances are you’ve been given a list of jobs to do that’s as long as your arm! Love it or loathe it, DIY is something more and more of us are […]


Get ready for summer with garden lighting

The days are getting longer and hopefully it won’t be too long before its warm enough to get outside the light the barbeque! Garden lighting is a great way to help you get the most out of the garden and there’s now a huge range of different types of garden lighting available, from solar powered […]


Could an energy monitor help cut your electricity bill?

Energy monitors can be very easily confused with smart meters however they are completely different devices.  We’ll start by clearing up any confusion: an energy monitor will help you to understand how much electricity you use, whilst a smart meter sends information about how much energy you use directly to your energy provider. Energy monitors […]