Here at Dalec we are accredited and approved installers of fire alarm systems and smoke alarms for commercial properties, homes, schools and businesses in and around Leeds.
Even the most basic smoke detectors and fire alarm systems can go a long way to protect your home or business. Smoke alarms should be tested on a weekly basis and the batteries replaced at 6 monthly intervals – regardless of whether the alarm is beeping to warn of a low battery.
Several different types of smoke alarms are available and optical smoke detectors are designed to detect smoke particles whether they are visible or invisible. Smoke detectors have an individual coverage radius of 7.5 metres; however it is important to ensure that the individual radiuses overlap to ensure that there are no ‘blind-spots.’
Fixed temperature heat detectors are ideal for use in rooms that tend to have higher ambient temperatures and in rooms where sudden rises in the ambient temperature are commonplace, for example drying rooms and kitchens.
Rate of rise detectors can be used to detect a fire as soon as the temperature in a room rises. This type of detector incorporates a fixed upper temperature limit which will trigger the alarm if the rate of the temperature rise has been too slow to trigger the detector. Rate of rise detectors are best suited to environments with a stable ambient temperature.
Heat detection alarms cover an area of 5.3m but again the radius must overlap to ensure that there aren’t any blinds spots. .
If you would like further advice on protecting your home or business from the risk of fire, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.